V. 3.0.260CABDF
New features
Storage of 5 drills on free plan
Absence list has been added to statistics
User dashboard for super admin had been developed to cover marketing purposes
Demo role/user (for mobile app) has been introduced to Try-for-Free users
Mailchimp integration on dedicated mail sending process
Try Free Demo user @PWA and drills in order to give overall tryout of the existing features for free
Free Drills packages have been added
Changed dashboard to team room
Changed EAP role to EAP/trainer
PWA absence list for schedules with no default lineup
EAP landing preparation and optimization process
Update match count logic
SBCC Landing contains a link to PWA for mobile users
It is allowed now the drill ordering by date, name
Drill management has now extra functionalities on sorting
Improvements and new icons for drill drawing
Improvements on drill search results for Plans
Subscription ID is now displayed on the Welcome dialog
More customization options when exporting your drills and plans
Improved GDPR compliance
Plans containing only quick notes can now be exported
Drill help description updated
PWA plan filter maximum size has been modified
Drill saving without name now is fixed
Fixed mobile drill sort
Fixed mobile drill search
Checking Playback (android) and updated the versioning
Updated the GooglePlay requirements
Fixed mobile app responsiveness