Sunbears Team Tool Features
Stay Organized &
Plan Ahead
Sunbears provides everything you need related to your team schedule, all in one place. Paid subscriptions have access to the full array of scheduling features, from calendar events to practice plans and daily condition reports.

Help Your Team Stay Up-to-Date
Add training and schedule events to your calendar whenever needed from your desktop, and notify your team in real-time whenever a change is made. Players and staff members can easily view the schedule on their smartphone with the tap of a button! Get the word out immediately when plans change so that no one misses out on practice.
Compile Plans for Practice & Training
Create a plan for your training or practice session and attach it to any scheduled event. Plans made with Sunbears can include your team’s drills, strategies, and customizable notes to cover all parts of your training plan; even drill animations to help with image training. These plans saved can be used again in the future, and make it possible to pass down to new coaches/trainers.
Encourage players and team staff to get prepared before a session by reviewing Plans on their smartphone!

Easily Viewable on Mobile
Sunbears doesn’t end at your desktop– in fact, gives you even more ways to keep your team involved among busy schedules. Your team’s calendar is effortlessly viewable from the Schedule menu, and this includes your Plans and Daily Tasks too! Players and staff alike can check up on the schedule from their phone easily from anywhere, as well as complete daily condition reports and review session plans.
Advanced Schedule Features
The Schedule menu on Sunbears isn’t just a boring list of calendar dates. We have gradually increased the amount of features accessible through this calendar:
Sync with Google Calendar (Desktop)
Session-specific attendance reports & chat room
Daily condition reports & COVID-19 symptom/temperature reporting
Practice/Training Plans
Post-session sRPE survey

Ready to get started with Sunbears coaching tool?
Try it out for free.
Be Our Inspiration
We are constantly looking for sport professionals to collaborate for our Sunbears Co-creation Project!
It’d be our pleasure to work with you if you are a:
Coach, trainer, or/and sport professional who also believe the sport technology can help the team thrive
Sport (team) instructor that has passion and vision in sport technology
Please refer to our Co-creation page to know more about the co-creation procedure, current co-creators, and our achievements to date. And we’re always here to help! Please feel free to contact us anytime via Live Chat support or email.