V. 3.0.11FB7892
New features
What's new with menu and quick access function
Current subscriptions has a dedicated card on Team Room (on multiple subscription you will see all of the subscriptions)
Previous payment card on Team Room shows the Last Payments connected to specific user. If that user has multiple accounts the last one will be shown here.
Staff can get dedicated email and they can can get message through Sunbears, using a WYSIWYG editor. Multi selection bulk messages can be sent as well
Users can get dedicated email and they can can get message through Sunbears, using a WYSIWYG editor. Multi selection bulk messages can be sent as well
Sunbears has now an internal Newsletter function for Superadmins and they can send Newsletters using a dedicated WYSIWYG editor.
Search input box has been redesigned
Header Icons on SBCC Admin has been redesigned for better UX experience
Release ID has been added to Information section
Order of Release Notes has been changed, using LIFO ordering
Release Notes got a WYSIWYG editor
Marketing Team of SBCC Staff got a dedicated Control Board on Team Room in order to be able to connect dedicated users, or potential prospects. The template of standard notification messages are visible for staff members.
Team logo first loading on low resolution has been fixed
Some translations has been updated
Other optimization improvements under the hood