V. 2.0.B64E63F7
Drill-As-A-Service Updated Landing with interactive component
YouTube SBCC landing integration
SmartPictures (animated gif) support on landing for specific sections
Video based components
Personal mode and Team usage (extended to free, flexible, full package mode and Stripe latest API)
Role management update
Menu and function update
Drill handling on join team and leaving team with drills created before joining a team
Multiple sports handling
Lobby update
Multi sports on Admin
Subscription management update
Drill Management
Rugby rink and icons
Soccer rink and icons
Basketball rink and icons
Futsal rink and icons
Payment and packages update on Stripe
Sport Selector + Drill Tools (icons) and Rink for Rugby
New feature to create blank drill with players - leaving on drill from last drill opened
Sport Selector + Drill Tools (icons) and Rink for Soccer
Sport Selector + Drill Tools (icons) and Rink for Basketball
Sport Selector + Drill Tools (icons) and Rink for Futsal
Admin Updates
Categorized FAQ: FAQ with Admin and FAQ change on Subscription, Cancel Subscription, Drill Animation
Dashboard component with Admin and Stripe integration
New menu (Sport, Dashboard, FAQ Admin)
Tawk.to ChatBot integration
Team training stats: 2 main category to be defined – strategy and just drill
2 more chart data on team training stats: Intensity chart and strength chart will be added on team training stats
Release Notes for Superadmin and Users
Version Number and floating logo on Admin and about